Joan Bathon, our doctor friend from Johns Hopkins arrived late last night safely ladened with a bag full of stuff donated by her friends in Baltimore. Joan is the sister of Jack Meier and the reason we found this area 3 years ago when Pedro met Joan on a China trip. So via China, we are here.
Yesterday afternoon the team set up for today. Since the church is so small we had great anxiety of having space to accomplish much. Next door to the church is a small clinic where there is a recent medical school graduate who is an Ob/Gyn Doctor. She has a very small lab and x-ray area. For about $3.00 she can do a chest x-ray and limited lab. There is a small pharmacy and another office area that through Milena they offered us.
Jim Mays is setting up the eye clinic in that area and Joan was given an office in the other room. Way more than we could have hoped for.
Rachael who is translating for us brought a friend who is a dental student. His name in English is Moses. He will come Monday and work with us the rest of the week. Great surprise again that God provided.
Our 2 clowns Debbie and Jamie have new outfits for this year. They are now clown nurses. They have an awesome team to help them as they hug and play with and sing to these little ones many of whom come down the mountain to this church feeding kitchen M-F for their only daily meal. The Florida mission team is spending the week going up to the "homes" where these children live trying to help make the places more habitable.
Pictures will come later.
Our devotional theme for this week is Philippians 4:6-9. The 5 P's - God's way of helping us in trials.
Pray, Praise, Peace, Positive Response, and Practice. Each day we see ways God is teaching us to follow Him in this pattern. He is allowing us to choose to obey Him this way.
So what is the point of me (Glenda) having traveler's revenge today and being told to stay in the hotel? I am spending the morning in Quiet Time with the Lord and so far no answer except He says to trust me. See I am one of the planners; they can't function without me. I am the gofer; the answer to their questions. Without me how will they know when to stop for lunch, how many more patients to see. Fretting about this and just the fact it is boring to stay here in the hotel all day, I then pulled out my Bible and little devotional book with a fussy attitude in my heart. I looked at the page that fell open and there was the story from a pastor who used to have this recurring nightmare. He would dream he was looking from the pulpit out to see empty pews - no one would ever come. He realized he did not need a dream therapist to interpret the vision.
He said, "I thought I was responsible for the results of God's work." The congregation needed him. No they needed God. In John 2:28-29, Jesus was asked, "What exactly does God want us to do?" Jesus answered, "God wants you to have faith in the One (Jesus) He sent."
I have read that many times before but this morning it was once again a reminder that all God expects of me is to have faith in His Son Jesus. No where does it say anything about my being responsible or if I am not with the team, they won't have their needs met and they will be lost all day. WOW! Who am I to feel so needed? That requires an attitude adjustment to say the least. The team will have a wonderful day.
We covet your prayers, your thoughts and also your notes to us. You can send us your thoughts and questions and anything you want at this site or directly.
We miss all of you.
The Peru 2009 Mission Team
Great idea with the blog, Glenda. Woke up with you and the team on my mind,today. Thanks for sharing your heart. It's hard to stay back, I know! Praying daily for each of you.